Uploading and Adding a Link to a PDF

Uploading and Adding a Link to a PDF

You can upload the PDF to the PDF repository that we call the PDFs for Upload page by following these steps as a new section under the Adding a hyperlink to a flat page.

1. In the CMS, Click Add/Edit pages, navigate to the PDFs for upload page.

2. Follow the steps there to upload the document. Add the title, brief if necessary, effective date and load the content file. Click save.

3. Navigate back to the PDFs for Upload page and at the bottom where you have the history you will be able to see the document with a "Copy Link" next to this.

4. Click copy link and copy the URL that appears.

Adding this to a page as a Link

1. Click Add/Edit pages and select the page that you want to add the link to.

2. In the editor, highlight the text that you want to be the link and select the link icon from the edit. It's the one with the little world and chain mail link icon.

3. A window will appear for you to paste the link to the pdf. Paste this in and click OK and this will add the link to that text that you highlighted.

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