What are Headings and How to add them

What are Heading Tags?

Heading tags, as their name suggests, are used to differentiate the heading of a page from the rest of the content. The most important heading tag is the h1 tag and least important is the h6 tag. In HTML coding the header tags from h1 to h6 form a hierarchy. This means that if you skip any of the tag numbers (ie. jump from 1 to 3) the heading structure will be broken, and this is not ideal for on-page SEO.

For example, if your site is introduced with a heading in h1, and a sub-heading in h3, the hierarchy will be broken, meaning the heading structure is not SEO-friendly.

The coding should be something like what is shown below:

<h1>Main Heading</h1>

<h2>Secondary Heading 1</h2>
<h3>Sub-section of the secondary heading 1</h3>

<h2>Secondary Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Sub-section of the secondary heading 2</h3>

How do they help with SEO?

The heading tag is used to represent different sections of web page content. It has an impact on both the SEO and usability of your site in the following areas:

  • A clear idea: Heading tags give the user a much better understanding of what the page content is about.
  • Content relevancy: Search engine crawlers scan and mark the relevancy of the header tag with the content associated with it.
  • Keyword consistency: The search engine crawlers review the keyword consistency by comparing the header tags and other parts of the page.
  • The importance of an h1 Tag: The h1 is the most important tag and it should never be skipped on a page. Search engine crawlers pay attention to the words used in the h1 tag as it should contain a basic description of the page content.

How to Add Heading tags using the CMS

1. Click on Add/Edit pages in the cms whether you want to add a new page or edit and existing page.

2. Select the page you want to have you heading tags.

3. Type the text or title you want as a heading and highlight the text then select the Format/Paragraph Format above and choose the heading you want.

4. And your text or title would be like below.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
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